Academic Bankruptcy

Students may request forms for declaring academic bankruptcy from one of the following College locations: the Admissions and Records Office on the Wallace Campus in Dothan, the Student Services Office on the Sparks Campus in Eufaula or complete the online form from the Admissions webpage. Students may declare academic bankruptcy under the following conditions:


  1. Students may declare academic bankruptcy on all coursework taken during the one term, provided they have taken a minimum of 12 semester credit hours of coursework at the College since the most recent academic bankruptcy term occurred. A grade of “C”, “S”, or higher is required in each course in 12 semester credit hours in the post-bankruptcy period. None of the coursework taken, even hours completed satisfactorily during the term for which academic bankruptcy is declared, is disregarded in the cumulative grade point average and will not be used to fulfill degree requirements. Developmental courses successfully completed during a period of academic bankruptcy can be used to fulfill prerequisites. Academic bankruptcy may only be declared once and may be applied to no more than three (3) semesters, which do not have to be consecutive. The bankrupted courses and grades remain on the transcript but are not calculated in the student’s cumulative GPA.


When academic bankruptcy is declared, the term ACADEMIC BANKRUPTCY is reflected on the transcript for each term affected. The transcript will reflect the term of its implementation and will read ACADEMIC BANKRUPTCY IMPLEMENTED.

Students may declare academic bankruptcy only once. Implementation of academic bankruptcy at the College does not guarantee that other institutions will approve such action. This determination is made by the respective transfer institution.