Academic Honesty Code

All students enrolled in the PTA Program are expected to conform to the College's Code of Student Conduct as listed in the College Catalog/Student Handbook under the section entitled "Code of Student Conduct" which includes cheating.

  1. Cheating: Cheating is defined as:
    1. Dishonesty in completing academic assignments, such as having in one’s possession materials other than those specifically approved by one’s instructor during tests;
    2. Submission of work that was prepared by someone else to an instructor as one’s own work;
    3. Plagiarism, representation of someone else’s writing or ideas as one’s own;
    4. Assistance in the foregoing practices.
  2. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is:
    1. The act of using the words and/or work of another author and attempting to pass it on as one’s own work.
    2. An example of plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, a student submitting, under his or her own name, an essay, report, research paper, or some other assignment that has been written in part or in whole by another person.
    3. Plagiarism also occurs when a pattern exists of failing to document and punctuate materials from research sources appropriately (as designated by the instructor and the research style that the instructor requires and publishes to his or her students) and/or the consistent failure to document accurately and in proper style any material that is not common knowledge, which the student has included in an assignment.