Associate in Arts Degree and Associate in Science Degree

The associate in arts degree and associate in science degree are designed for students who plan to transfer to senior institutions and are conferred by the College as official recognition for successful completion of a prescribed program of study in an appropriate university-parallel track.

Requirements / Credit Hours

AREA I: Written Composition / 6

  • ENG 101-102 English Composition I-II / 6

AREA II: Humanities and Fine Arts / 12

  • SPH 106 Fundamentals of Oral Communication OR 
    SPH 107 Fundamentals of Public Speaking / 3
  • Literature / 3
  • Fine Arts / 3
  • Humanities or Fine Arts / 

AREA III: Natural Sciences and Mathematics / 11

  • MTH 110 Finite Math, or higher level course for AA degree OR
    MTH 112 Precalculus Algebra, or higher level course for AS degree / 3
  • Natural Sciences, which include laboratory experiences / 8

AREA IV: History, Social and Behavioral Sciences 12

  • History / 3
  • History, Social and Behavioral Sciences / 9

Minimum General Education Requirements: 41

AREA V: Pre-Professional, Pre-Major, and Elective Courses 19-23

  • CIS 146 Microcomputer Applications / 3
  • ORI 101 Orientation to College OR
    ORI 105 Orientation and Student Success / 1-3

Maximum Program Semester Credit Hours: 64

In addition to the general education requirements described above, students must complete the appropriate university-parallel program. Students should check with their transfer institutions to assure applicability of courses toward their planned majors. Respective programs of study for baccalaureate degrees at Alabama public universities range from 120 to 128 semester credit hours in length. Dependent on the total hours allocated for bachelor’s degrees, institutions in the Alabama Community College System will only be authorized to provide 50% of that total (60-64).


  • English courses: ENG 101: Entrance is determined by ACCUPLACER® placement exam scores, ACT scores, SAT scores, high school GPA and 12th grade English scores, or GED subject score. *
  • Literature, Fine Arts, and History courses: Must complete 3 semester hours in Literature, Fine Arts, and History.
  • Literature and History courses: Must complete a 6-semester-hour sequence either in Literature or in History.
  • History, Social and Behavioral Sciences courses: At least 6 semester hours from Social and Behavioral Sciences.
  • CIS 146: Students who fail to demonstrate adequate competency in Computer Science by passing a computer competency exam must take CIS 146.
  • MTH course:
    • MTH 100 or MTH 110 Entrance is determined by ACCUPLACER® placement exam scores, ACT scores, SAT scores, high school GPA and grade made in Algebra II or higher, or GED subject score.
    • MTH 112 Entrance is determined by ACCUPLACER® placement exam scores, ACT scores, SAT scores, or high school GPA and grade made in Algebra II or higher.
    • MTH 113 or higher Entrance is determined by ACT scores, or SAT scores and the highest math course completed in high school.

  • ORI courses: ORI 101 or ORI 105 or transfer credit for an orientation to college course is required for all students.