Behavior in the Classroom/Clinical/Lab

Students should observe the highest moral, ethical, professional, and social standards. Disruptive behavior in the classroom/clinical will not be tolerated and students responsible for disruptive behavior will be asked to leave the classroom/clinical and will be assigned an unexcused absence.

The use of a cellular telephone, pager, tape player, radio or other electronic device where such activity would interfere with normal activity of the College will constitute a dismissal from class/clinical and will be assigned as an unexcused absence.

As a vital part of the professional team and the total hospital environment each student is expected to exercise tact, kindness, courtesy and consideration to everyone they encounter in the clinical area. The clinical agencies’ reputation and the community’s confidence in it are established and maintained by the collective effort of all employees and students. Therefore, personal conduct should be of the highest quality. Some examples of inappropriate behavior in the clinical setting are:

  1. Chewing gum or eating in the clinical area.
  2. Smoking in any unauthorized area.
  3. Talking loudly, laughing, or horse playing in hallways or elevators.
  4. Sitting in the nurse’s station rather than seeking learning experiences.
  5. Removing uniform, letting hair down, etc., before leaving the clinical site.
  6. Wearing sweaters or jackets in the clinical area or cafeteria.
  7. Failing to put client charts in the appropriate place.
  8. Being disrespectful to the client, instructor, other students and/or employees of the institution.
  9. Being dishonest (i.e., lying, stealing, charting care not provided).
  10. Dressing inappropriately (dirty, wrinkled, collarless uniforms or nonstandard nursing shoes).
  11. Displaying repeated mistakes placing client or student in unsafe environment.
  12. Using profanity or lewd comments anywhere in the institution.
  13. Inappropriate physical conduct (shoving, rough handling of client).
  14. Talking in client’s room about matters not concerning client (personal or about other clients assigned to student).
  15. Breaching confidentiality.
  16. Failing to follow instructions.
  17. Wearing shorts, flip-flops, mid-riff tops, tank tops, vulgar logos, etc., to pick up clinical assignments. Students are to dress professionally when picking up assignments.
  18. Behavior considered inappropriate by the instructor.

Students shall abide by the Code of Student Conduct and accompanying disciplinary sanctions as outlined in the student handbook section of the College Catalog.