Challenge of the Contents of Educational Records

Students may challenge information in their educational records that they believe to be incorrect, inaccurate, or inappropriate. This challenge must be in writing and must be submitted to the appropriate records custodian, who is responsible for the records in question, if they do so within one year of the term in question. The records custodian must decide within a reasonable period of time whether corrective action will be taken and must provide written notification to the student and the Director of Enrollment Services/Registrar of the corrective action that has been approved. Students who are not provided full resolution sought by their challenge must be referred to the Dean of Student Affairs who will inform them of their right to a formal hearing. Students must make their request for a formal hearing in writing to the Dean of Student Affairs. The following procedures apply:

  1. The hearing panel that will adjudicate such challenges will be the Admissions and Academic Standards Committee.
  2. Within a reasonable period of time after receiving the written request for a hearing, the chairperson of the Admissions and Academic Standards Committee must inform students of the date, place, and time of the hearing, reasonably in advance of the hearing.
  3. Students will be afforded a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to the issue raised. They may be assisted or represented at the hearing by one or more individuals of their choice, including an attorney, at their own expense.
  4. Decisions made by the Admissions and Academic Standards Committee must be in writing, must be based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing, and must include a summary of the evidence and the reasons for the decision. The decision should be delivered in writing to the student; the Dean of Student Affairs; and the Director of Enrollment Services/Registrar.
    1. The Admissions and Records Office will correct or amend the educational record in accordance with the decision of the hearing, if the decision is in favor of the student, and inform the student in writing of the amendment.
    2. Should Wallace Community College decide not to amend the record in accordance with the student’s request, the Director of Enrollment Services/Registrar must inform the student of the following:
      1. The student has the opportunity to place with the educational record a statement commenting on the information in the record or a statement setting forth any reason for disagreeing with the decision of the hearing.
      2. The statement placed in the educational record by the student will be maintained as part of the record for as long as the record is held by Wallace Community College.
      3. This record, when disclosed to an authorized party, must include the statement filed by the student.