Clinical Attendance (RPT)

The student is expected to attend ALL clinical rotations at their scheduled times. Tardiness or absenteeism is not acceptable. The attendance habits developed in this program will carry over into the student's professional life after completion of the program. The hospitals take note of the attendance patterns of the students and this is a determining factor regarding potential employees. The attendance policy will be adhered to without exception.

Each student receives a daily grade on each assigned clinical day. These daily grades will not qualify for make-up work. Therefore, any clinical absence will result in a zero for the daily grade until makeup policy has been followed and makeup day completed.

Students enrolled in the respiratory therapy program clinical courses are subject to failing to successfully complete the clinical course objectives when they accumulate more than the following number of absence


Students who accumulate more than the allowable NUMBER of absences will be unable to complete course objectives and therefore a grade of “F” will be awarded upon course completion unless the appropriate make-up procedures are followed or the student initiates a request for withdrawal according to current college policy.

If the absence is of an excusable nature (as determined by program faculty) make-up time MAY be allowed. This would allow the student to continue in the program.

Application for make-up time must be made to the Clinical Director utilizing an appropriate request form.

A. Any absence must be reported to the clinical instructor 30 minutes prior to the scheduled time. The Director of Clinical Education (DCE) must be notified as well. Failure to notify the clinical instructor and DCE will result in the student being placed on probation. The second occurrence may result in the student being dismissed from the program.

B. Any student that arrives after the schedule clinical and lab time will be sent home, receive a zero for the day and will have to follow the make-up policy for clinical and lab absences. For all RPT on campus theory classes, students are expected to attend all classes and be on TIME!

C. The DCE must document that each student attends all of the clinical time they are assigned each semester. Therefore, all clinical time missed must be made up.

D. All make-up days must be approved through the Direct or of Clinical Education. The student must makeup time missed within two weeks of the absence.

E. If a student fails to attend a make-up day, another absence will be recorded in the attendance record and the student will be placed on probation. Upon the second occurrence of this nature the student will be dismissed from the program. It is the student’s responsibility to see that all make-up days are approved through the DCE’s office.

F. Although making up missed clinical time is required, it will not remove the absence from the student’s attendance record. The day missed could still adversely affect the student’s clinical grade.

G. If the student must leave the clinical site early, the time must be made up within the following week. The student will not be allowed to stay past the designated clinical time to leave early at a future date. Missed hours can only be made up after they are missed.

H. Students are not permitted to contact the clinical sites directly regarding clinical schedule changes. They must be coordinated through the Director of Clinical Education. Failure to comply will result in an absence for the day(s) affected.

I. Failure to follow the assigned clinical schedule times and locations without prior faculty approval will result in an absence for the day(s) and Clinical Suspension. Upon the second occurrence the student will be dismissed from the program.

J. Any clinical days missed due to disciplinary action will be subject to a reduction in the clinical grade as per policy for daily grades in clinical or lab.

K. All Respiratory Therapy seminars or meetings attended in lieu of clinical days will be documented with a paper written by the student describing the content of the event. The paper is to be attached to a daily evaluation form and turned in as usual on the next day of class.