Clinical Education Grading Criteria

  1. Clinical Education I
    This course provides an orientation to clinical education facilities, policies, procedures, and certification in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. Under the direct supervision of a qualified practitioner, the student will observe, assist, and perform general radiographic procedures.
  2. Clinical Education II-V
    These courses provide the student with the opportunity to correlate previous instruction with applications in the clinical setting. Under direct and (indirect supervision*) of a qualified practitioner, students will utilize the proper equipment, techniques, and accessories to observe, assist, and perform radiographic procedures.

    * After validating competence.

Clinical Education I
A. Clinical Education Records:
1. Observation Form 20%
2. Attendance Grid 10%
3. Clinical Notebook 10%
4. Semester Summary Sheet 10%
B. Professional Conduct:
1. Lateness 10%
2. Absence 10%
3. AWOL (Absent Without Leave) 10%
4. Professional Attire/Hygiene 10%
5. Professional Behavior 10%
100% Total
3. Clinical Education II - V
A. Clinical Education Records:
1. Observation F orm 10%
2. Attendance Grid 05%
3. Clinical Notebook 05%
4. Semester Summary Sheet 05%
B. Professional Conduct:
1. Lateness 05%
2. Absence 05%
3. AWOL (Absent Without Leave) 05%
4. Professional Attire/Hygiene 05%
5. Professional Behavior 05%
C. Competency Examinations: 25%
D. Weekly Evaluations: 25%
100% Total

Factors Affecting or Altering Grade

  1. Absenteeism
    A student that is absent during a semester in an excess of five (5) percent of the assigned clinical time may receive a minimum of a letter grade drop from the final Clinical Education grade.

    All clinical time missed must be made up before the next semester begins. Also time will be made up on weekends and holidays with the approval of the Clinical Coordinator. All students are required to document absenteeism.

      324 x 5% =16 hours
  2. Lateness
    A student signing/clocking-in more than seven (7) or more minutes after assigned time will be considered LATE.
  3. Clinical Education I-V

    1. 5 percentage points for each lateness infraction up to maximum of 25% of final clinical grade
    2. Written counseling
    3. Repeated infractions will result in recommendation for dismissal from the Program
  4. Clinical Education Notebook Records
    Clinical Education Notebook records are required to be kept detailed and accurate. All records will be collected at the end of the semester by the Clinical Coordinator. The clinical notebook will be evaluated each semester and will compose a percentage of the student’s final clinical education grade in the clinical record category.
      Clinical Education Notebook
      10% Clinical Education I
      05% Clinical Education II-V
  5. Clinical Competency Numbers
    Students are required to meet an assigned competency exam number per semester. A student failing to achieve the required competency examination numbers per term will receive a minimum of five percentages (5%) points to a maximum of twenty-five percent (25%) points reduction from the clinical competency category of the final clinical grade. The grade reduction will be based on five percent (5%) points per delinquent examination.

    RAD 114 - Clinical Education I 0 Competency Examinations
    RAD 124 - Clinical Education II 15 Competency Examinations
    RAD 134 - Clinical Education III 25 Competency Examinations
    RAD 214 - Clinical Education IV 35 Competency Examinations
    RAD 224 - Clinical Education V 27 Competency Examinations *

    * Special Rotations will be scheduled upon completion of competency examinations.

    Each radiography student must complete a total of 102 competency examinations by the end of RAD 224 - Clinical Education V. Students failing to complete the required competencies will receive the stated point reduction.

    Grading Scale:
    A = 90-100
    B = 80-89
    C = 75-79
    D = 60-74
    F = 0-59

    Final grade of 75 or higher and a cumulative average of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale on program course work are necessary to continue in the Radiologic Technology Program. In addition, all students must complete general education requirements with a minimum of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.

  6. Attendance and Punctuality
    1. Attendance is expected in all courses for which a student is registered and plays a major role in the student’s success in the program
    2. Due to the importance of clinical education for the successful completion of this program, it is mandatory to complete all clinical education rotations unless excused by the faculty.
    3. Refer to the previously listed policies concerning absenteeism and lateness.