Courses and Grades

RPT Courses and Grades

A. Grading System

  • 90-100 = A
  • 80-89 = B
  • 75-79 = C
  • 60-74 = D (74.4 is a failing grade)
  • 59-below = F

B. Course taught by the RPT Program.

1. The student receives a grade according to his/her level of performance in each course. Patient care demands at least a minimal level of competence; therefore, the student must achieve a "C" level of performance for progression to the next respiratory care sequential course. If a student scores less than the minimum required passing score, he/she will be allowed to retest only once after a conference for remediation with the Program Director and Director of Clinical Education. If the student scores less than the required minimum passing score on the retest the student will not be able to successfully complete the course objectives and a grade of “F” will be assigned at the end of the term unless the student initiates a course withdrawal request according to current college policy.

2. The student must perform all of the criteria for RPT laboratory practical with a minimal competency grade of "C". A student receiving a grade of "D" or below for hi s/her performance on the laboratory practical must withdraw from the RPT program. Students who withdraw or are unable to progress in the RPT program may apply for readmission the following year.

The faculty reserves the right to require that a student demonstrate the minimally acceptable achievement in all portions of the program whether this be a unit of work within a course or the total course content. NOTE: ALL Clinical Proficiency Exams REQUIRE a minimum passing score of 80 %.

3. If a student develops a pattern of poor practical exams, intervention from the course instructor to remediate the situation may be as follows:

a. The student will schedule a conference with the instructor to discuss the student's grade and possibly determine reasons for the failing grade.

b. After the instructor and student determine reason(s) for the grade, if appropriate, the instructor and student will make remediation plans regarding the student's grade. This will be done in one or several ways, such as:

  • 1) Read material pertaining to laboratory practical again, as well as additional material for better understanding.
  • 2) Write report or case study on material field.
  • 3) Other variables in assisting student to improve:

c. T he instructor has the final decision in how remediation should be handled.

  • 1) If the student cannot or will not comply with the instructors intervention or if the student receives a "D" or below, the student must withdraw from the RPT program.
  • 2) If a student receives a grade of "D" or below in any RPT course he/she must withdraw from the RPT program