
ACCS Enhancement Fee—A fee of $10 per credit hour per term is required by the Alabama Community College System to cover certain program and facility costs.

Bond Surety Fee—A fee of $1 per credit hour per term is charged to reduce the cost of bond financing for the Alabama Community College System.

Cap and Gown—Students who participate in the graduation ceremony must order a cap and gown.  This fee is subject to change. This fee is nonrefundable.

Challenge Examination—A fee of $50 is charged for challenge examinations listed in various program information sections throughout this catalog (but not to challenge placement in English, mathematics, or reading).

Continuing Education and Special Interest Courses—Fees vary according to the nature and length of the course.

Facility Renewal—A facility renewal fee of $9 per credit hour per term is charged to provide funds for the improvement of facilities.

Graduation—The graduation fee is $21.50 for diploma and cover. This fee is subject to change. This fee is non-refundable.

International Student Insurance—International students must purchase health and life insurance each term. Students must show proof of insurance to the College.

Late Registration—A fee of $25 is charged to students who register on or after the first day of classes as stated in the College calendar.

Returned Check—A fee of $30 is charged for each worthless check issued to the College. Students issuing worthless checks may be subject to class withdrawal for non-payment of tuition and fees. A returned check may be subject to collection through the Worthless Check Unit of the District Attorney’s Office.

Special Building—A fee of $8 per credit hour per term is charged to help defray the cost of financing new construction.

Technology—A fee of $9 per credit hour per term is charged for acquisition and maintenance of technology and technological applications for students.

Validation Examination—A fee is charged for validation examinations listed in various program information sections throughout this catalog.

Withdrawal—An administrative fee of 5% of tuition and other institutional charges is assessed for each withdrawal within the period beginning the first day of class and ending at the end of the third week of class. The total amount charged for this service will not exceed $100.


Associate Degree Nursing Comprehensive Assessment— Students enrolled in the Associate Degree Nursing program are charged a fee of $605 each term of program enrollment to cover term-by-term and final comprehensive assessments.

Background Screening—Students enrolling in College health programs and specific career-technical programs are required to have comprehensive background checks through an approved vendor upon initial application approval and upon readmission following a break in enrollment. Initial background screens are $45 for health programs and $35 for career-technical programs. Updates for all programs are $15 for each occurrence. Payment of the initial assessment and any update is made directly to the vendor, along with a $9 processing fee. This screening is a required component of clinical agreements with health care facilities and industry partners in career-technical training.

Emergency Medical Services Platinum Planner, PHTLS, and Comprehensive Assessment—Students enrolled in the Emergency Medical Services-Advanced EMT and/or Paramedic options pay $33, $60, or $90, respectively,  directly to an approved vendor to establish an online student account for field data tracking and required clinical assignment reporting. Paramedic students are also charged $15 for the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) testing. Students in all program options, EMT, AEMT, and Paramedic, will incur one-time costs of $52, $70, and $99, respectively, and $36, $27, and $40, respectively, for comprehensive testing through Platinum Education and Limmer Creative.

Medical Assisting/Phlebotomy Comprehensive Assessments—Students enrolled in the Medical Assisting or Phlebotomy programs will incur fees associated with National Healthcare Association (NHA)assessments and respective credentialing exams (CCMA, CPT).  Registration in MAT121, 211, 229, and 239 will be associated with charges of $213, $213, $213, and $259, respectively.

Practical Nursing Comprehensive Assessment Testing— Students enrolled in the Practical Nursing program are charged a fee of $658 each term of program enrollment to cover term-by-term and final comprehensive assessments.

Physical Therapist Assistant Comprehensive Assessment— Students enrolled in the Physical Therapist Assistant program are charged fees of $50 to cover the Scorebuilders Online Advantage assessment in fourth semester of the program and $80 for the FSBPT PEAT exams in the final (fifth) semester.

Respiratory Therapist Comprehensive Assessment—Students enrolled in the Respiratory Therapist program are charged annual fees of $135 to cover the cost of the LindseyJones comprehensive NBRC Exam on-line practice and a one-time fee of $170 to cover the costs of the NBRC Therapist Multiple-Choice and the Clinical Simulation comprehensive in-program assessment tools.

Student Liability Insurance—Health program students enrolled in clinical and/or laboratory courses are charged a fee of $21 per term for professional liability insurance and random substance abuse screening. These requirements are components of clinical agreements with health care facilities.

Substance Abuse Screening—Students enrolled in health programs are charged a fee of $32 for substance abuse screening. This screening is required upon initial program admission, readmission following a break in enrollment, and annually each fall semester. This screening is a required component of clinical agreements with health care facilities.

Surgical Technology Comprehensive Assessment—Students enrolled in the Surgical Technologist program are charged fees of $80 in third semester to cover the cost associated with BoardVitals™ and $334 in the fifth semester to cover costs of the NBSTSA CST practice examination and the Gold Student Exam Bundle Package.