General Statement of Conduct

All students enrolled in the Radiologic Technology Program at Wallace College will be expected to follow a code of behavior to uphold the reputation of the College. Students will be asked to withdraw from the Program if it has been determined by an ad hoc faculty committee that the individual is guilty of any of the following:

  1. Dishonesty such as cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the College.
  2. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of College and/or Affiliate documents, records, or identification.
  3. Violation of any law of the land.
  4. Disruption of class session or at the clinical site by the use of abusive or obscene language.
  5. Insubordination (defined in the Webster’s Dictionary as unwilling to submit to authority disobedient; rebellious).
  6. Fighting at the clinical site or on college premises.
  7. Being intoxicated or under the influence of any drugs while on clinical assignments or college premises.
  8. Vandalism or stealing.
  9. Sleeping while on duty at a clinical assignment.
  10. Leaving the clinical assignment or room/area assigned without the supervisor’s permission.
  11. Failure to notify Clinical Education Center of absence or lateness.
  12. Violations of any duly established rule and regulation.

Academic and non-academic misconduct: The penalty for infractions of the standards of conduct established in the Clinical Handbook include the following: verbal warnings (first offense), written warnings (second offense), grade reductions, probation and/or dismissal (third offense and any thereafter)