Impromptu Image Evaluations/Presentation Evaluations Introduction

Beginning with RAD 124-Clinical Education II and following completion of the related academic course, laboratory practice, and clinical competency evaluation, the student may be evaluated by faculty and will be required to critique procedures/exams. The choice of the procedures/exams and time of critique will be determined by the Program Faculty.

The Program Faculty may select to perform image evaluations at any time during a clinical visit. The selected student(s) will be expected to produce their Clinical Education Notebook upon request. Any procedure/exam which has been used for a competency evaluation may be chosen for critique (films produced by another student or technologist may be substituted for the student’s actual exam at the discretion of the Clinical Coordinator).

The student will be expected to demonstrate knowledge of technical factors, routine and supplementary positions, radiation protection, and anatomy. The student will be expected to answer oral and/or written questions from the Clinical Coordinator related to the technical quality of the procedure/exam. Impromptu Image Evaluations and Presentation Evaluations will be averaged together at the end of each semester with the weekly evaluation grades.