
Committee members shall arrive at a judgment in consultation among themselves after the parties have been dismissed. Only members of the committee who have been present during all of the meetings and who have heard all testimony relating to the alleged grievance may vote on the case. A majority vote of such qualified members shall constitute a judgment. A decision of the committee relating to redress of grievances is final insofar as the committee is concerned.

The committee has been delegated by the President the authority to change or direct changes in student grades, faculty conduct, or other disputed areas. A course of action deemed appropriate by the committee shall be carried out unless the student or faculty member chooses to appeal the committee’s decision to the President of the College or designee. The appeal must be made in writing to the President or designee no later than 7 calendar days after the date of the committee’s decision and must be resolved within a maximum of 30 calendar days.

The President's decision is the final step in the College's Academic Grievance process. Any appeal beyond this point must be addressed under the State Student Complaint process.

If redress requires a policy change or if a policy change appears advisable or necessary, the committee shall refer its recommendations to the President of the College or appropriate administrator.