To receive the maximum amount of Pell Grant as indicated in the student OneACCA (MyWCC) student portal students must be enrolled in an eligible full-time course load.
Enrollment Intensity is the percentage of full-time enrollment at which a student is enrolled, rounded to the nearest whole percent. For example, if full-time enrollment is 12 credit hours and the student is enrolled in 7 hours, the enrollment intensity would be 7 ÷ 12 × 100% = 58%. For federal student aid purposes, full-time enrollment for programs offered in standard terms is 12 credit/Title IV hours. Note that enrollment intensity cannot exceed 100% for purposes of Pell Grant proration. Enrollment Intensity by enrolled credit or Title IV hours (certain stand-alone certificate programs): 12 (or more) 100%, (11) 92%, (10) 83%, (9) 75%, (8) 67%, (7) 58%, (6) 50%, (5) 42%, (4) 33%, (3) 25%, (2) 17%, (1) 8%
Courses must be required for a student's current program of study. Repeat and remedial coursework Federal Student Aid rules apply.