Program Certificates (Greater Than 29 Hours)

Certificate programs are designed to give students specific skills in a particular curriculum and require less time to complete than degree programs. If students later desire to pursue a degree, all courses within the certificate in a program in which a degree is offered will apply toward the degree.

Requirements / Credit Hours

AREA I: Written Composition 3 - 6

  • COM may be substituted only in system-wide, non-degree eligible programs.  

AREA II: Humanities and Fine Arts / 0 - 6

  • SPC may be substituted only in system-wide, non-degree eligible programs.

AREA III: Natural Sciences and Mathematics 3 - 7

  • Prescribed requirements are distributed in Mathematics or Science. MAH may be substituted only in system-wide, non-degree eligible programs. 

AREA IV: History, Social and Behavioral Sciences 0

General Education Requirements / 6 - 19

AREA V: Maximum Technical Concentration and Electives / 11 - 54

  • ORI 101 Orientation to College OR
    ORT 100 Orientation for Career Students OR
    ORI 105 Orientation and Student Success / 1-3
  • ORI 104 WorkKeys Assess and Advisement / 1
  • DPT may be substituted in prescribed requirements only in system-wide, non-degree eligible programs.
  • These courses are appropriate to degree requirements, occupational or technical specialty requirements, core courses, and electives. 

Maximum Program Semester Credit Hours: 60


The following programs offer a certificate:

Air Conditioning & Refrigeration

Automotive Technology

Child Development


Emergency Medical Services—Paramedic

Engineering Graphics

Practical Nursing

Welding Technology