Associate in Applied Science

Radiologic Technology (RAD)

Location Wallace Campus

The Radiologic Technology program is designed to provide the student with clinical and didactic training in producing and processing radiographs, essential for a radiologist’s accurate interpretation of the human anatomy on x-ray film and/or digital imaging systems. The program is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) and is recognized by The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). Graduates of the program are eligible to attempt the certification examination of the ARRT.


The Radiologic Technology Program is designed to provide the diagnostic imaging team with a member who, under the supervision of the radiologist, investigates function and structure of bodily organ systems, which contribute to diagnosis of disease and injury. The student will develop technical and social skills through active participation in an organized sequence of classroom, laboratory, and clinical experiences provided in the curriculum. The student will perform diagnostic imaging with the skill and knowledge of total patient care appropriate to radiology and with total consideration of biological effects. The highly developed technical abilities of the radiographer will enable the health team to improve community health services in addition to providing upward mobility for the individual's career development.


Wallace Community College’s Radiologic Technology Program prepares graduates for careers as professional Radiologic Technologists. Graduates have clinical and didactic training in producing and processing radiographs. The program provides learning opportunities that introduce, develop, and reinforce competence in the interpretation of the human anatomy on x-ray film and/or digital imaging systems and professional attitudes required for job acquisition and advancement. 

Program effectiveness data over a five-year average is available from JRCERT at Additional information regarding program goals and student learning outcomes can be found on the program link at


On successful completion of the Radiologic Technology curriculum, students are granted an associate in applied science degree.


Individuals must satisfy general qualifications for certification in accordance with The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) guidelines. The ARRT is the Board that administers the national certification examination on completion of an accredited Radiologic Technology program. A candidate for certification by the ARRT must meet the ethics, education, and examination requirements as described in The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists Rules and Regulations and ARRT Standards of Ethics.

Every candidate for certification and every applicant for renewal of registration must, according to the governing documents, “be a person of good moral character and must not have engaged in conduct that is inconsistent with the ARRT Rules of Ethics,” and they must “agree to comply with the ARRT Rules and Regulations and the ARRT Standards of Ethics.” ARRT investigates all potential violations in order to determine eligibility.

Issues addressed by the ARRT Rules of Ethics include convictions, criminal procedures, or military court martials related to a felony, misdemeanor, criminal procedure resulting in a plea of guilty or nolo contendere (no contest), a verdict of guilty, withheld or deferred adjudication, suspended or stay of sentence, or pre-trial diversion. Juvenile convictions processed in juvenile court and minor traffic citations not involving drugs or alcohol are not required to be reported to the ARRT.

Additionally, candidates for certification are required to disclose any honor code violations that may have occurred during their educational process.

Please consult the Radiologic Technology Program Director if the previous statement applies.


Program requirements for health programs offered within the Alabama Community College System may be reviewed and revised between publication deadlines for this and future College Catalog and Student Handbook documents. Admission requirements below were in effect at the time this document was published and may or may not be current. Prospective students should contact the program office to obtain requirement updates.

Students are admitted to the Radiologic Technology program without discrimination regarding color, age, creed, marital status, race, religion, sex, or national origin. Applicants must meet College requirements for admission. Admission packets for the program are available in March of each year. Applicants will be considered for admission into the program based on past academic achievement and performance on the A2 Admission Assessment. Wallace Community College complies with The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Students who have a disability and require accommodation should contact Disability Support Services on the Wallace Campus in Dothan. Upon admission to the program, all students must complete a health form, including immunization records.

Minimum admission requirements are as follows:

  1. Unconditional admission to the College.
  2. Submission of a complete application packet for admission to the Radiologic Technology program by required deadline. The packet should include the following documents:
    1. Program application
    2. Essential Functions form
    3. All transcripts (unofficial high school and college) or unofficial GED® scores
    4. A2 Admission Assessment test scores for math, reading comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary.
  3. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. (Alabama Regulations for Control of Radiation Rule 420-3-03(6), Occupational Radiation Dose Limits, states that all occupational workers employing ionizing radiation must be at least 18 years of age
  4. A 2.5 cumulative grade point average for students with previous college work.
  5. A 2.5 high school grade point average for students without prior college work (GED® acceptable in lieu of high school transcript)
  6. Eligibility for placement into BIO 201, ENG 101, and MTH 100.
  7. Status of good standing with the College.
  8. Ability to meet the essential functions required for the Radiologic Technology program. A copy of the essential functions is available from the RAD program office and published on the College website, Admission to the Radiologic Technology program is competitive, and the number of students is limited by the number of faculty members and clinical facilities available. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance.

Contractual agreements between the College and clinical agencies impose additional requirements on students enrolled in health programs. These requirements include, but are not limited to, the areas of attire, confidentiality, criminal background check, liability insurance, and substance abuse screening. Health insurance coverage is strongly recommended as the expense for treatment of injury suffered during training is the responsibility of the student. Any student denied clinical privileges or having clinical privileges revoked by a healthcare facility due to positive background findings or clinical misconduct is not eligible for program admission or readmission.


A 90-100

B 80-89

C 75-79

D 60-74

F 59 and below


To progress through and graduate from the Radiologic Technology program, students must meet the following criteria:

  1. Progress through the required Radiologic Technology curriculum in the prescribed sequence.
  2. Attain a grade of 75%  or higher in each required radiology course, and a grade of 70% or higher in all general education courses (a cumulative 2.5 college grade point average)
  3. Maintain ability to meet the Essential Functions for a Radiologic Technology program with or without reasonable accommodations. A copy of the essential functions is available from the RAD program office and published on the College website,
  4. Successfully complete the program within 33 months from the initial semester of RAD courses.
  5. Maintain current CPR certification at the health care provider level as outlined by the program. On-line certification without hands-on skills sessions is not acceptable.
  6. Maintain current professional liability insurance as outlined by the College.
  7. Abide by the policies, procedures, and rules of behavior of the clinical agencies (which may include drug screening and background checks at the student’s expense) and by the prescribed dress code for clinical education.
  8. Abide by the policies, procedures, and rules of behavior of the Radiologic Technology program as published in the program and College student handbooks and as specified in other materials provided.
  9. Follow established guidelines required by the College for maintaining accidental and health insurance.
  10. Maintain a personal radiation monitoring device and radiographic identification markers as outlined by the program.
  11. Read and sign the Student Clinical Rotation Contract as outlined by the College.


Students who interrupt progression in the Radiologic Technology program must apply for readmission to the program. A student who fails to progress during the first semester of the program must reapply for acceptance as a new student. Students must submit a readmission request no later than mid-term of the term prior to a planned reentry. The program may provide the student with a plan for readmission based on clinical availability. The student may be considered for readmission only once.

Readmission to the program also depends on availability of clinical space. Students in regular progression will have first option of readmission based on clinical availability.

Readmission requires the following:

  1. A 2.5 cumulative grade point average in all coursework.
  2. No more than 33 months have elapsed from initial admission term to date of graduation.
  3. All students who are readmitted must prove competency in all previous coursework as prescribed by the program and successfully complete all RAD courses in which a D or F was received.
  4. Ability to meet and comply with standards and policies in the current College Catalog and Student Handbook.
  5. Students who have been dismissed from two clinical facilities are ineligible for readmission.
  6. Any student dismissed for academic or disciplinary reasons from the College will not be considered for readmission.


Effective September 12, 2012 there shall be no auditing allowed for any Health Science classes.


Receiving advance placement in the Radiologic Technology program requires the following criteria:

  1. Unconditional admission to the College with clear academic status.
  2. Ability to meet and comply with standards and policies in the current College Catalog and Student Handbook.
  3. Minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5.
  4. No more than 33 months have elapsed from the initial admission term to date of graduation.
  5. Official transcripts verifying a minimum grade of C earned in courses that represent collegiate coursework relevant to the degree, with course content and level of instruction resulting in student competencies at least equivalent for those matriculating students. Alabama Community College System Standardized Radiologic Technology Curriculum courses will be transferred without review of the course syllabus. Verification of knowledge and/or skills may be required.
  6. Eligibility to return to previous Radiologic Technology program in good standing.
  7. No more than one semester in which a grade of D or has been earned in a RAD course.
  8. Completion of 25% of total required hours for the associate in applied science degree in Radiologic Technology at institution conferring degree.


Area I: Written Composition

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Area II: Humanities and Fine Arts

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Sub-Total Credits

Area III: Natural Sciences and Mathematics

*Prerequisite for BIO 201 and BIO 202: BIO 103 with a grade of C or higher, or satisfactory placement on the Alabama Community College System Biology Placement Exam. 

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Sub-Total Credits

Area IV: History, Social and Behavioral Sciences

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Sub-Total Credits

Area V: Career and Technical Courses

NOTE: Before completing this program, students must prove competency in computer applications. Students who fail to demonstrate adequate competency in Computer Science by passing a computer competency exam must successfully complete CIS 146 with a grade of C or higher.

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Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits

*Prerequisite for BIO 201 and BIO202: BIO 103 with a grade of C or higher, or satisfactory placement on the Alabama Community College System Biology Placement Exam. 

*ORI 101 or ORI 105 or transfer credit for an orientation to college course is required for all students. 

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1 - 3
Sub-Total Credits

*CIS 146 OR competency in Computer Science by passing a computer competency exam. Students who fail to demonstrate competency must successfully complete CIS 146 with a grade of C or higher. 

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Sub-Total Credits
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Sub-Total Credits
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Sub-Total Credits