Return of Unearned Aid—Responsibility of the Student

The student will be held responsible for all unearned grant aid that the College is required to repay to the United States Department of Education. The initial amount of unearned Federal Student Aid due from the student is determined by subtracting the amount returned by the College from the total amount of unearned Title IV funds to be returned. This is called the initial amount due from the student. The amount of grant overpayment due from a student is limited to the amount by which the original grant overpayment exceeds half of the total Title IV grant funds disbursed and could have been disbursed to the student. If a student completely withdraws or ceases to attend all classes before completing 60% of the payment module and has received Pell and/or SEOG grant funds— whether by check or charged tuition, fees, or books—and the College has to return any funds paid on behalf of the student, the student is responsible for repaying funds to the College.