
Course Descriptions

HOC 110: Introduction to Horticulture

Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3 Lab Hours 0

This course provides students with foundational knowledge relative to the horticulture profession.  Specific topics include information regarding the horticulture industry, safety practices, basic botany, and general plant care and culture.  This is a CORE course.

HOC 115: Soils and Fertilizer

Credits 3 Lecture Hours 2 Lab Hours 2

This course provides students with an overview of methodologies to improve soil through preventing erosion, pH balance, and the proper use of nutrients and fertilizers.  Specifically, students will learn the characteristics of soils, methods to control soil erosion, methods to modify soil, how to test and modify soil pH, and how to provide nutrients through fertilizers and other means to improve plant growth.  This course supports CIP code 01.0601 and 01.0605.  This is a CORE course.

HOC 120: Plant Propagation

Credits 3 Lecture Hours 2 Lab Hours 2

This course is designed to provide students with basic knowledge related to sexual and asexual plant propagation.  At the conclusion of this course students will be able to use various techniques to propagate plants through seeds and asexual means such as budding, cutting, and grafting.   

HOC 230: Vegetable and Orchard Crops

Credits 3 Lecture Hours 1 Lab Hours 4

This course focuses on vegetable and fruit crops. Topics include cultural requirements, production procedures, and marketing. Upon course completion, students should be able to grow vegetables and establish orchard lay-outs.